
Current Advocacy Campaigns

Christie Refugee Welcome Centre is a participating member of the Ontario Coalition of Service Providers for Refugee Claimants, a group of refugee houses and agencies who work with vulnerable refugee claimant populations across Southern Ontario.

The Ontario Coalition of Service Providers for Refugee Claimants has a number of calls to action to the Government of Canada and Provincial Governments. Read our calls here:

Supports for refugee claimants

Call to ensure that refugee claimants housed in federal accommodations have adequate access to legal and settlement supports

Transition Child Benefit

Call to reverse the elimination of the Transition Child Benefit (TCB)

Housing Crisis in Ontario

Call to address the worsening housing crisis in Ontario

Other Advocacy Campaigns

You can also support these other actions to advocate for refugee claimants and migrants in Toronto

Shelter Space for Refugees

Tell Parliament to Fund Shelter Space for Refugees and Asylum Seekers

Permanent Residency for Undocumented People

Support permanent resident status for all undocumented people in Toronto

Family Reunification

Join the Canadian Council for Refugee’s family reunification campaign

Reunite Separated Children

Call on the Canadian government to more urgently reunite separated children with their family members in Canada

Withdraw from Safe Third Party Agreement

Call for Canada to withdraw from the Safe Third Country Agreement, a bilateral deal between Canada and the United States which sees select refugees forcibly returned to the US upon seeking asylum in Canada

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