Want to get involved at CRWC and make a difference?
There are many ways you can help support Christie Refugee Welcome Centre by way of volunteering.
Kitchen Volunteers
In the kitchen we need volunteers to help with prepping & serving meals, and helping with clean-up. There is a two-person kitchen staff team and they need assistance & support with all non-cooking kitchen duties.
Monday, Tuesday, Fridays • 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
This volunteer placement would take place during any of the time slots above. You are welcome to commit to between 1-2 shifts (on a weekly basis).
This placement needs a volunteer who can regularly commit to be present on a weekly basis. The volunteer placement would require a minimum 4 month commitment with the opportunity to continue if it works out well for both you and the Centre.
If you are interested or have questions, please email volunteer@christiestreetrc.com.

Groups or Corporate Volunteering
Are you interested in volunteering opportunities for companies and groups? Volunteer groups can host special events, organize clothing donation or other basic needs drives, or help with outdoor and maintenance special projects (painting, cleaning, etc.) Send an email to volunteer@christiestreetrc.com and we’ll send you our corporate volunteer package!
Other Volunteers
Do you have other skills, experience or talents to offer the families of Christie Refugee Welcome Centre? Fill out a volunteer application form and Christie staff will get in contact with you.

Before You Volunteer
The Centre requires all volunteers have an up-to-date police check from Toronto Police Services. If you don’t currently have a Vulnerable Sector Check from Toronto Police Services, we will have you fill out a police check application form prior to beginning your volunteer placement. The usual wait time for a returned police check is 4-6 weeks. The cost is $20 to the volunteer and we can provide you the form and send it in for you.
Before considering volunteering at our Centre, please read our Volunteer Agreement: