Ride for Refuge 2024

What is our 2024 Ride for Refuge campaign and how can I get involved?

Every fall, Christie participates in The Ride for Refuge, a family-friendly fundraising cycle + walk in support of local charities serving refugees seeking hope, safety, and freedom.

In 2023, Christie Refugee Welcome Centre’s RIDE for Refuge raised an incredible $158,143 thanks to our very generous and enthusiastic supporters including the Flynn Group of Companies, FreeChurch Toronto, North Toronto Chinese Alliance Church and Christie Refugee Welcome Centre staff.

This year, our goal is to once again raise $150,000 for Christie Refugee Welcome Centre.

You too can get involved! Become a team captain and recruit a team of cyclists and/or walkers from your own business, neighborhood, church, family, or another community you belong to and participate together with us on Friday October 4th or Saturday October 5th. To sign up as a team and participate in the RIDE for Refuge with Christie Refugee Welcome Centre, visit https://rideforrefuge.org/register

Or, you can simply donate to one of our already existing teams who will be participating in the RIDE for Refuge. For a list of our 2024 RIDE for Refuge teams, see https://rideforrefuge.org/location/torontochristiepits

Or, just come out and walk or cycle with us! Location details will be announced here. We’d love to see you.

Either way, save the date! The 2024 Ride for Refuge takes place on Friday October 4th and  Saturday October 5, 2024.

If you have any questions about the Ride for Refuge or about how to get involved, please contact CRWC’s Fundraising & Development Associate, Michelle de Koning at michelle_dekoning@christiestreetrc.com.

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