A National Plan for Asylum with Dignity: Five Key Pillars

Christie Refugee Welcome Centre endorses the Canadian Council for Refugees’ proposal for a national plan for refugee claimants. The plan notes, “Our country has the infrastructure, the know-how and the resources. With some key adjustments to the infrastructure in place and a proactive mindset, governments together with civil society can repurpose what already exists, redirect wasteful expenses, and replicate what we know works, so that those fleeing persecution are treated fairly and can live in safety.”

The five key pillars are:

#1 Establish reception centres in cities with large numbers of claimants to orient arrivals and coordinate services, in collaboration with provincial and municipal governments and civil society.

#2 Provide sustained federal funding for short term and transitional housing for refugee claimants, scaling up the successful experiences of civil society, diaspora and community groups, to complement provincial and municipal efforts.

#3 Make refugee claimants eligible for the support services offered to other newcomers under the Settlement Program run by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).

#4 Ensure that adequate legal aid coverage is available for refugee claimants in all parts of the country supported by multi-year funding.

#5 Streamline the initial stage of the claims process and eliminate the backlog in the subsequent determination process with small but significant adjustments.

For more information visit: A National Plan for Asylum with Dignity: Five Key Pillars | Canadian Council for Refugees (ccrweb.ca)

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